I finally solved the Nikon D7000 focussing problem. It is caused by the camera focussing on the wrong thing.
For example, while photographing a person against a backdrop, the camera will often focus on the backdrop, leaving the person slightly out-of-focus. Other models in the D7000 series like the D7100, seem to be mich better at choosing the right thing to focus on.
I came to this realisation when using my D7000 to digitise slides and negatives using the Nikon ES-2 film digitising adapter. When presented with a flat surface, the camera always focusses perfectly.
A workaround for the problem is to use single-point focussing mode, focus on the subject, lock the focus, recompose, then fire the shutter. I have tested this and found it to solve the problem.
The problem with this workaround is that it is not always possible to focus only the subject and nothing else. An example might be when focussing on the branches of a tree against a landscape. It is often suggested to use AF Fine Tune option, but in my view this will not give the best results.